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Private Lesson

T'acting studio was founded by Tuvana Türkay in 2020 and is an institution that provides one-on-one, private and online training in acting, diction, voice-over, in front of the camera for children, teenagers and adults.


In the 1st week acting course;

How to Control the Breathing While Speaking in Public? We start to give basic diction to a person by processing the Applications of Ensuring the Development of the Diaphragm Muscle and Various Uses of the Diaphragm, Applications to Life and Gaining Practices, Evaluations of the Text with its Tones and Requirements.

To be a successful player, you must first do well! A friendly and crazy program with our 1st week course, you will first start to lay your foundations in this long training that will fuse with classroom training.

In the 2nd week acting course program;

We are slowly starting to act with the titles of Importance and Basic Principles of Beautiful and Impressive Speech, Importance and Correct Use of Gestures and Mimics, Applications Related to Experiencing Various Events, Applications Related to Experiencing Various Emotions, Expression of Emotions, Improvisation Studies...

1st week

In our 3rd and 4th week acting course program;

We begin to gain stage experience by processing the titles of Diction - Articulation - Phonetics - Acting Connection, Finding and Interpreting an Event, Reactions to Various Events, Expression of Emotions, Tirat Studies from a Pre-Selected Play by Instructors. We develop our understanding, interpretation and expression skills.

Read as much as you want, watch movies or go to the theater, you cannot understand the power of acting until you are on the stage. Do not hesitate about your talent, step on the stage and say hello to a completely different world!

5th and 6th week

5. In the 6th week acting course program;

Causes of Excitement in the Face of the Ensemble, Activities to Control the Excitement, Rules to be Considered in Public, Features of a Good Speech Voice, Free Speech Practices, Recording and Listening of Speeches, Intonation Studies Suitable for the Characters of the Texts Read, Voice Studies with Various Emotions, Poetry, We cover the topics of Fairy Tale and Plain Text Reading Studies, Tirat Studies from a Pre-Selected Play by Instructors.

As we progress from amateur to professional acting, we learn to control our excitement and act with an acting class.

Within the acting course program; Dialogue, Various Play Scenes, Acting Talent, Relations with an Imaginary Object, Observation Practices, Attention Practices, Imagination Practices, Scene Practice with a Casting Partner, Tirat Studies from a Pre-Selected Play by Trainers, Accurate and Effective Emphasis on Logic Value While Reading the Text We cover the topics of Usage, Concentration Development Techniques, Playing Behaviors, Improvisations with a Rolemate, First Encounter, Movements to Speech, Tirat Practices from a Pre-Selected Game by Instructors.

You will learn all the subtleties of your profession in a fun and friendly atmosphere from master trainers with applied acting lessons.

We enable you to find yourself on the stage with a different character every week, and improve your role-playing skills by covering our topics on Gamification Technique, Body Language, Developing the Senses, Basic


We provide practical acting training, not theoretical, so that you become one of the talented actors preferred by the casting agencies and sought by the cinema and TV series industry.

In the continuation of the acting course program; Elements in Theater Art (Writer, Director, Actor, Designer, etc.), Relations between Visual Media such as TV, Cinema and Theater, Role Selection, Movement, Breathing - Posture, Stage Studies, Tirat Studies from a Pre-Selected Play by Trainers, Pantomime, You will learn to value the efforts behind acting and the power of teamwork with the titles of Colloquial Language - Stage Language, Small Sketches and Monologues for Theatre, Stage Studies.

As he gets closer to the end with his sketches and tirades, he will step into a new beginning; You will learn to respect the ethics and values of your profession.

Characteristics of the Role, Improvisation, Tirat Studies from a Pre-Selected Play by the Trainers.

2nd week

3rd and 4th week

7th week

In the 7th week acting course program;

Director - Assistant Director - Cinematographer - Art Director Relations, Rules to Be Considered in Theater Acting, Characteristics of a Good Actress, Appearance, Clothing, Make-up, Elegance, Behavior, Mimics and Gestures, Speech Ability, Diction - Voice - Breath - We end our training with the titles of Phonetics, Effective Intonation, Use of Stress, Tirat Studies from a Pre-Selected Play by Instructors.

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