Announcer Presenter Course
All Eyes on You with a Fluent Speech!
If you say that it is your dream to be an announcer, to be in front of the camera and to have a remarkable career, this training is for you! Cinema Academy announcer and presenter course Turkey's most preferred presenter school!
From fluent and intelligible speaking skills to breathing control, from correct pronunciation to controlling excitement in front of the camera, from live broadcast announcer to the ethical rules of your profession, you will reach all the knowledge and experience you need to have about being an announcer, with Cinema Academy, the most prestigious educational institution of the sector!
We have prepared this presenter presenter course program specially for participants of all ages who want to be presenters and master their profession. Come on, make your dream come true!
65% of the students who start training as announcers every year give up on their dreams, feeling inadequate because they cannot get a good education due to wrong course choices and poor quality educational content.

50% Discount for Early Registration
All Levels
12 Weeks 96 Hours
12 Persons